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Help us fund our Jewish future.

By nominating the King David Schools’ Foundation in your will, you can help us to fund our Jewish future. Every bequest, whether large or small, will make a valued contribution toward ensuring that King David Schools remain centres of excellence, while we continue to provide assistance to families who cannot afford full school fees.

If you are considering nominating the King David Schools’ Foundation as a beneficiary of your estate, please contact Raelene Tradonsky


How to make a bequest to the King David Schools’ Foundation

Adding a codicil to your will may be the easiest way to make a bequest to the King David Schools’ Foundation. The bequest may specify a Rand amount, or be a percentage of your estate. A bequest may also take the form of a specific asset, such as a property or shares. In each case, the amount of your donation is excluded from the valuation of your estate for estate tax for capital gains purposes. We will gladly assist with any legal advice you may need.

How your bequest will be used

Unless otherwise specified, your bequest will be allocated to the Dor le Dor Endowment Campaign, to build an Endowment Fund from which the interest generated will be used to subsidise students whose parents cannot afford full school fees. By informing us of your intentions, we will be able to help you decide on the direction of your bequest.


Make a Donation

Donations can be made directly to the King David Schools’ Foundation by credit card or EFT